
Welcome to YOMSuD-SL’s Reports Page

At YOMSuD-SL, we are committed to transparency and accountability. As part of our ongoing efforts to keep our valued stakeholders informed, we provide access to a wide range of reports that detail our activities, achievements, and impact. Through these reports, we aim to offer a clear and comprehensive understanding of our projects, initiatives, and the positive changes we’re striving to bring to our communities.

Our Reports

Annual Impact Reports: Discover the comprehensive overviews of our organization’s accomplishments and challenges over the past years. These reports outline our major projects, partnerships, and the difference we’ve made in the lives of the people we serve.

Project Updates: Stay updated with real-time information on our ongoing projects. These updates offer insights into project goals, progress, challenges, and success stories.

Financial Transparency: We believe in responsible financial management. Our financial reports provide an open view of our funding sources, expenditures, and budget allocations. We’re committed to ensuring that your contributions are being utilized effectively.

Case Studies: Dive deep into individual stories that showcase the tangible impact of our work. These stories highlight the transformative changes that our programs bring to the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

Why Transparency Matters

Transparency is at the core of our values. By offering access to our reports, we aim to foster trust and collaboration with our supporters, partners, and the wider community. We believe that informed stakeholders can play an active role in shaping our initiatives, providing valuable insights, and advocating for positive change.

How to Use This Page

Navigating our reports page is simple. Browse through the categories and select the report that interests you. Each report is available for download in PDF format, ensuring ease of access and sharing. If you have any questions or need more information about a specific report, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We value your engagement and are here to provide any additional details you might need.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey towards a brighter, more equitable future. Your support makes our work possible, and we’re excited to share our progress with you.

For inquiries about specific reports or more information about our work, please contact our Information Department at


YoMSuD-SL is striving to give Youth the opportunity to learn and develop by acquiring knowledge
about World Heritage protection, conservation and promotion. The driving force of the program is the
involvement of youth as a major segment of the community, considering cultural dimensions,
encouraging them to become thinkers and actors of development.

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Dembelia Sinkunia Chiefdom is located in the Northern part of Sierra Leone bordering the Republic of Guinea. Subsistence farming, cattle rearing, timber harvesting and backyard gardening are their major sources of livelihood, majority at 90% are Muslims and significant group of Christians. The population is made up of different ethnic groups such as Yalunka, Fullah, Limba and Kuranko.

Their religious and cultural practices influence their social life and livelihood greatly this resulted to high teenage pregnancy, early child/forced marriage, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM),sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) leaving young people in the communities more stranded especially the adolescent girls within the Chiefdom.

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Sinkunia community in Falaba District is facing environmental challenges because of human activities. These challenges are deforestation, charcoal production, timber logging, bushfires to name but few.

In an effort to effectively protect, sustainably manage the environment and natural resources to ensure a quality of the environment adequate for human health, a team of Youth Movement for Sustainable Development Sierra Leone (YoMSuD-SL) officials have organized a sensitization meeting at the Sinkunia Community Barray Saturday 9 September 2018.

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You can view pictorial evidences of different projects from the pdf below

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Dembelia Sinkunia Chiefdom is located in the Northern part of Sierra Leone bordering the Republic of Guinea. Subsistence farming, cattle rearing, timber harvesting and backyard gardening are their major sources of livelihood, majority at 90% are Muslims and significant group of Christians. The population is made up of different ethnic groups such as Yalunka, Fullah, Limba and Kuranko.

Their religious and cultural practices influence their social life and livelihood greatly this resulted to high teenage pregnancy, early child/forced marriage, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM),sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) leaving young people in the communities more stranded especially the adolescent girls within the Chiefdom.

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You can view pictorial evidences of the second phase of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Right (ASRHR) from the pdf below

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